We scoured the Web and came up with a list of the smartest business bloggers. Their advice just might help you run a better company.
By Max Chafkin There are more than 130 million blogs on the World Wide Web today, and 1.5 million more are created each week, according to the blog tracking service Technorati. It is unknown how many of these are tainted by shameless self-promotion, mindless ranting, and other nonsense -- but you can bet the figure is extremely high. So Inc. scoured the Internet, tabbed through Twitter, and asked the smartest people we know to help us come up with a list of bloggers who, if you pay attention, can help reshape your perspective. Here's what we found.
- Ethan Zuckerman
- A senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Center, he's also the blogger with the best wordlview.
- Penelope Trunk
- The Brazen Careerist is the voice of the new guard.
- Guy Kawasaki
- The ubiquitous Garage Ventures founder is also the Web's ultimate realist.
- Jason Fried
- This Chicago software entrepreneur offers the most interesting rants and raves.
- Mark Cuban
- The bigmouth you gotta love.
- Matt Mullenweg
- The blogger's blogger.
- Charlene Li
- The wonk you gotta love.
- Howard Lindzon
- The CEO of StockTwits is also the best antidote there is to CNBC.
- Jason Calacanis
- The guide for tough times.
- Tim Ferriss
- Want to work less and accomplish more? This productivity guru can help.
- Rashmi Sinha
- The founder and CEO of SlideShare offers a view from the weeds.
- Paul Graham
- Y Combinator's founder on the view from on high.
- Seth Godin
- The master of pithiness.
- Fred Wilson
- A venture capitalist on the art of the deal.
- Tim O'Reilly
- The founder of O'Reilly Media offers the best glimpse of the future.
- Michael Arrington
- TechCrunch's founder offers the clearest view of the mood in Silicon Valley.
- Dave Winer
- An entrepreneur who is also the voice of experience.
- Anonymous Banker
- In the realm of business, the Web's most shameless agitator.
- Craig Newmark
- The founder of Craigslist consistently presents the most unconventional views about business and technology.
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